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Portrait Photography | Hair Shoot with Hair Stylist Kim Lubas

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My friend Emilie and I get together every now and again to shoot some portraits, just for the joy of creating images.  Sometimes we have certain look in mind, or perhaps a location to try out; other times we just make it up as we go along.  But this time we were in store for something new.

Emilie’s friend Kim Lubas is a hair stylist just arriving in the Austin area.  She was interested in doing a collaboration with herself as hairstylist, Emilie acting as model and me at the camera.  It sounded like a great idea, so we scheduled a time to meet up.  

The goal for the shoot was to basically show off what Kim could do with fake hair (which if I hadn’t seen her putting the hair in, I would have never know the difference).  Some of the hair was different colors, some was naturally colored.

One of Emilie’s friend who is interested in photography came along to hang out and watch.  Kim decided that she was going to give him a new hair-do, so we got him in front of the camera as well.  My then-fiance-now-wife Lindsay arrived home from work while we were shooting: Kim grabbed her as well and added a purple streak to Lindsay’s dark hair.  I was lucky I was photographing otherwise I may have gotten grabbed too.

The shoot concluded and we said our goodbyes, tired but happy with the way everything went. It ended up being extremely difficult to narrow down the images, but we persevered and found a good selection of winners to add to Kim’s portfolio. My thanks to Kim, Emilie, Chris and Lindsay for a great time and a great shoot.